Sonntag, 1. April 2007

Deutschland-Pokal, Grimma 31.03.07

So, these is how I won my German Cup...

1. 2S+1T<+1Lo<
Ok... the Lo jump was indeed lame due to 'wrong' landing direction... but I don't remember my T being so 'unauthorised'.

2. 1A+1T
Actually, I did a bad landing on the A and had to take off again for a Lo instead... I can't imagine how the technical controllers authorised this.

3. 2S

4. CCoSp1
I tried very hard... I did back camel-back sit-change edge-change sit-upright-backspin-Xfoot-opp upright... and still level 1. wasting my efforts only.

5. 1Lz

6. 1T
Usual problem when I'm nervous... taking off too fast after toepick.

7. FCSp
oh well... 1 Camel rotation, came up for 2 rotations of an open backspin and out. I recalled what went in my mind during this failed attempt, I was thinking, a flying spin can only take 1 position, since I missed the FCSp then it's no point continuing, since I don't want it to be counted as a CoSp due to change of positions, as I have a good CoSp at the end of the program. What I didn't realise was that if i had pulled in for a backspin, it would have been counted as a FUSp1 since the Camel position wouldn't count!

8. CiSt1
I had progressives, steps, 3 turns, rocker, counter, hops, lunge, twizzles FI/FO different foot, loop, illusion, choctaw, 4 change of directions... tried my best, and still level 1, I really don't understand. Since my A+Lo was called as a A+T I am prone believe the technical panel just couldn't differentiate turns nor orientate CW or CCW directions.

9. CoSp1

10. 1Lo

I'm very pleased anyway. :-))

PC had a factor of 2.0 so i realise there is really no point planning for higher technical difficulty for higher element score. Keep the plan, keep the music, downgrade spin difficulty, get elements secured, and improve PC: cleaner skating, faster, more fanciful steps in transitions, more arms, more skating out, and more reaching out, more stretch, improve choreo, and skating along the musical phrase.

I appreciate very much that Michael and Treasure were there, they were simply part of my success !

Mittwoch, 21. März 2007

Free Skate Program Elements

1. 2S+T+Lo
2. A+T
3. 2S
4. CCoSp
5. Lz
6. 2T
7. FCSp
8. CiSt
9. CoSp
10. Lo

CCoSp aiming for back Camel- back Sit- change edge- change Sit- Upright- change edge- opp. Upright (thinking of including layback before the Upright)

CoSp1 with conventional Camel- Sit- Upright... but having ideas on either Camel- donut- sit- Upright- Crossfoot or back Camel- donut- back Sit- change edge- Upright- X foot

Lo aiming for Axel originally, too dizzy to execute with a secure takeoff/landing.

Future goals:

for jumps include better technics, so that the combination jumps can eventually be executed with 2T and 2Lo. Lz to be upgraded into a 2Lo, 2F or 2Lz.

Things to *learn*:
Camel change edge + back Camel change edge

Dienstag, 9. Januar 2007

Odie and Garfield

Odie'S new blog...