Mittwoch, 21. März 2007

Free Skate Program Elements

1. 2S+T+Lo
2. A+T
3. 2S
4. CCoSp
5. Lz
6. 2T
7. FCSp
8. CiSt
9. CoSp
10. Lo

CCoSp aiming for back Camel- back Sit- change edge- change Sit- Upright- change edge- opp. Upright (thinking of including layback before the Upright)

CoSp1 with conventional Camel- Sit- Upright... but having ideas on either Camel- donut- sit- Upright- Crossfoot or back Camel- donut- back Sit- change edge- Upright- X foot

Lo aiming for Axel originally, too dizzy to execute with a secure takeoff/landing.

Future goals:

for jumps include better technics, so that the combination jumps can eventually be executed with 2T and 2Lo. Lz to be upgraded into a 2Lo, 2F or 2Lz.

Things to *learn*:
Camel change edge + back Camel change edge